Study Visit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Republic of Türkiye)
This week, SFSI welcomed delegates from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Republic of Türkiye) on a study visit to learn more about the monitoring and reporting methodology of the Nitrate Action Plans being implemented in Ireland. The visit is an integral component of the project “Protection of Waters against Agricultural Pollutions through Establishment of a Monitoring and Reporting Methodology for the Nitrate Action Plans” (EuropeAid/140563/IH/SER/TR) which is being jointly implemented by NIRAS and SFSI member, Teagasc
As part of the 3-day itinerary, delegates met with experts from the Environmental Protection Agency; Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; and the Teagasc research centre for soils and the rural environment at Johnstown Castle. The visitors also undertook site visits to Ballycanew, to find out more about Teagasc’s Agricultural Catchments Programme; and The Orchard Centre, to witness how staff are trying to improve sustainability beyond water to include biodiversity and climate change.