Zambia Food Systems Transformation (ZISSP) 2023-2027
The Zambia Food Systems Transformation Programme (ZISSP) is a 4-year Sustainable Food Systems programme under the Irish Embassy in Zambia that started end of 2023. In response to the complex and multifaceted challenges faced by Zambia's food system, ZISSP seeks to support a just transition towards a sustainable food system through interventions in climate action, One Health and policy, leading to increased resilience to climate, environmental, production and consumption shocks and crisis risk reduction. Prior to the multiyear project, a Design Assignment was undertaken, which included an extensive research and stakeholder engagement phase to identify and validate the entry points for the 4-year programme.
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Partners: Self Help Africa
Ireland-Vietnam Agri-food Partnership (IVAP), 2023-2028
The 5-year Ireland-Vietnam Agri-Food Partnership (IVAP) is an SFSI led project under the Irish Embassy in Vietnam that commenced in September 2023. The project is an Agri-food Knowledge & Skills Development Programme that aims to support Vietnam to transform its agri-food sector through 3 different work packages that include actions in climate resilient primary production, food systems transformation and cooperative development through technical assistance, knowledge sharing, training and skills development.
SFSI Contractor: Bord Bia
Cyprus Residues Monitoring Programme, 2024-2025
The objective of the Residues Monitoring Project commenced in the beginning of 2024 in Cyprus is to contribute to further improvements in the implementation of food safety standards in the Turkish Cypriot Community (TCc). It aims to enable the implementation of the Residue Control Plan (RCP) by implementing sampling and testing activities in close collaboration with TCc local bodies. This includes organising the collection and collecting, storing and packaging of samples (meat, liver, kidney, plasma, milk, honey, eggs, feed); organising the transport and transporting the samples to the testing Laboratory and processing of samples in the testing laboratory and providing results to the Contracting Authority and the TCc local body in a prescribed form.
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Maziwa Faida, Tanzania 2021 to 2026Zambia Food Systems Transformation (ZISSP) 2023-2027
To support the development of the capacity of key institutes and actors across the dairy value chain in Tanzania, focused in the Tanga region. Initially the main activity will be a collaboration between Teagasc and TALIRI a government funded agricultural research centre focused on dairy production in Tanga. Under the collaboration, new projects focussed on quality forage production, improved data management and supporting innovation through demonstration will be established in the TALIRI Tanga research centre.
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Partners: TALIRI, LITA
The Food Safety Project, Albania 2019-2023
Capability-building project for institutional strengthening, public awareness and communications and legal harmonization. This project addresses Albania’s safety, veterinary and phytosanitary standards, legislation and implementation capability and capacity. Its over-riding objective is to help Albania strengthen its structure and management of safety systems to deliver increased protection of human, animal and plant health at every stage of the food production process.
SFSI Contractor: Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Partners: Finnish Food Authority, Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, CBS Solutions
Climate Smart Research and Innovation for Dairy Livestock Development in Kenya – Project Design &Implementation 2019-2022
Focusing on the roles of genetics and fodder in sustainable dairying. Objectives include the development of a breeding programme based on farm profitability through use of improved forages, demonstration of forage-based systems, and improved knowledge transfer.
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Ireland Malawi Agri-food Systems Programme
Over the course of 2023 SFSI led the Design of an Agri-Food Systems Development Programme for the Irish Embassy in Malawi. Stakeholder engagement and research led to the identification of priorities for a programme centred around enterprise development, food safety, one health and food systems transformation. The 9 month inception period began in November 2024, introduced at a kick off meeting in Lilongwe.
SFSI Contractor: Enterprise IrelandPartners: Economic Sense
Kenya Potato Value Chain Capability Development 2018-2020
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Partners: IFDC and private sector partners
Tatarstan Dairy Genomics Pilot Programme, Russia 2018-2019
Pilot and proof of concept project, data cleaning and genotyping of dairy females for the development of a genomically-based breeding programme in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan.
SFSI Contractor: Teagasc
Partners: ICBF, Skoltech and the All Russia Animal Breeding Institute (VIZh)